A view through the driver’s door of a VW car showing a woman holding a smartphone in her hand

Media world

The contract and contact partner for this offer is D&T DRIVE & TRAINING AG (imprint and legal notice).
The following images of the vehicles show optional equipment.

We have created a collection of short videos and pictures with valuable information and tips & tricks for your model. It's worth taking a look.

Car Explainer

Volkswagen easy to understand

Do you have any questions about your vehicle model? No problem. In our “Car Explainer” area, you will learn about the top Volkswagen features of the Golf, Passat, Touareg and co. – thanks to simple and understandable explanations in short video tutorials.

How to personalise your vehicle

Tips & tricks

Drive more safely

The main objective of Volkswagen’s driver training is to teach you how to react correctly and deal with moments of danger in all seasons and in different road conditions. We have put together the most important tips & tricks for you: from the right sitting position and the correct vehicle handling to valuable information explaining how to achieve an economical and environmentally friendly driving style.

Electronic Stabilisation Programme (ESC)

The Electronic Stabilisation Programme (ESC) ensures greater safety and comfort. By braking individual wheels, it can prevent the vehicle from losing traction and skidding.

If your Volkswagen starts to skid, the system uses various sensors to help you regain control of the vehicle.

Drive concepts
  • A visualisation of the front-wheel drive concept

    Front-wheel drive

    In front-wheel drive vehicles, all driving forces are applied to the front wheels, thereby reducing the cornering grip of the front axle. Under hard acceleration, these vehicles have a tendency to steer out of the bend. This can be brought under control simply by lifting your foot off the accelerator.

  • A visualisation of the rear-wheel drive concept

    Rear-wheel drive

    In rear-wheel drive vehicles, the driving forces in a bend reduce the cornering grip of the rear axle. As a result, the rear of the vehicle has a tendency to step out.

  • A visualisation of the 4MOTION drive concept

    4MOTION drive

    In vehicles with 4MOTION drive, the driving forces are distributed evenly to all four wheels. As a result of the reduced effect of longitudinal forces, each wheel can tolerate higher lateral forces. Compared to conventional drive systems, this creates greater safety reserves at the limits of cornering performance.

Electronic control systems